How to avoid becoming sea sick

How to avoid becoming sea sick

Have you ever been on a boat or a ship being sick, KNOWING there isn't anything you can do until you reach land?

Things You'll Need:

Ginger Pills



Purchase Ginger Pills from any vitamin / health food store.


One hour before you are to be underway, take a ginger pill.


Eat some crackers first chance you get. Not a whole lot but enough to satisfy your stomach for a few hours.


When you get underway, take another ginger pill. Take with small amount of water.


An hour after you are underway, take one more ginger pill. Take with small amount of water.

Tips & Warnings

Eat the crackers about a half an hour before the ship gets underway.

Go outside and enjoy the air.

I am a seasoned sailor and this works.

You still may feel a little bad but you will not "lose your cookies."

Obviously, if you're allergic to Ginger, don't try this. Just eat the crackers.