How to Spot a Fake Diamond

How to Spot a Fake Diamond

With so many high quality imitation diamonds, it can be difficult to detect a fake. What's more, some dishonest jewelry dealers sell fake diamonds, but charge consumers a high price. Finally, there are several ways to spot an imposter.


Ask about the stone. A knowledgeable jewelry dealer should be able to provide information on the stone. Ask whether the stone is a diamond or moissanite. Moissanite stones closely resemble a diamond, and it can be hard to distinguish between the two. Plus, some retailers have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. With this said, inquire about the stone.


Check the setting and mounting. Fake stones are typically set in substandard metals. Ask about the silver or gold metal. Is it gold or silver plated? While a jeweler may claim a stone's genuineness, they may unknowingly acknowledge an inferior metal. Cheap settings usually mean a cheap stone.


Check stone for scratches. Diamonds are extremely durable. On the other hand, cubic zirconium and moissanite stones scratch easily. Before buying a diamond, carefully check the stone for scratches and other imperfections. Ask the jeweler for a small magnifying glass. Multiple imperfections indicate a fake.


Have the jewelry appraised. Persons who question a diamond's genuineness after a purchase should have the stone appraised by a trusted jeweler. Professionals can effortlessly spot a fake diamond.


Get a certificate for the diamond. If a diamond is real, the jeweler or dealer will willingly issue a certificate from the Gemological Institute of America. This organization examines diamonds and provides a grade report. Consumers can obtain a report upon purchase of a diamond.