How to Spot a Shopaholic

How to Spot a Shopaholic

Shopping can be a magical experience for the true shopaholic. Finding great deals, scoring the season's must-have item and forging a personal relationship with sales associates at every store makes them positively glow with excitement. Trademark moves make shopaholics easy to spot, just don't volunteer to help carry their bags.


Check to see if the suspected shopaholic is carrying a shopping bag every time you see her. On the street, returning from a lunch break or arriving home at night, a shopaholic is rarely spotted without a new item in tow.


Pay attention to her wardrobe. The shoes, bags and accessories change with the season, and just as predictably, she won't wear an outfit more than once, and it's unlikely that you'll see the same sweater the following year.


Ask about her favorite Internet websites. When he rattles off a list of shopping websites that offer everything from shoes, books to make-up, there is a good chance he's a shopaholic. Check the history of his web browser.


Examine the contents of her wallet. A shopaholic's wallet consists of store credit and rewards cards, receipts for recently purchased items that she's considering returning and absolutely no cash.


Follow his movements. This can be achieved by asking what are his plans for the evening or weekend. A shopaholic's immediate future includes at least one trip to a mall, boutique or thrift store.


Ask about her favorite magazines. Subscriptions to "Lucky" or "Cosmopolitan" and especially "Vogue" means she's well on her way to becoming a full fledged shopaholic.